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Click book image to read Chapter 2: Food as Information
MODERN MEDICINE AND HUMAN HEALTH are at a critical crossroads, and the truth is that you and not your genes are in the driver’s seat. You are the one who gets to make informed decisions on how you use and nourish the evolutionary miracle that is your body.
Combining analysis of cutting-edge scientific findings with our deepest ancestral wisdom and health-promoting practices, Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo, offers a time-tested program to help prevent and manage the most common health afflictions of our day—cancer, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic syndrome.
Antiquated thinking and scientific dogma have long obstructed our understanding of our innate untapped potential for self-regeneration and radical healing. But the New Biology explains why biological time is not a downward spiral and how chronic illness is not inevitable when you implement nature’s resiliency tools.
In his thorough and thoughtful exploration of the New Biology, Sayer Ji illuminates:
Encoded within every tissue of your body is your ability to regenerate. Unlock your radical resiliency through this roadmap for diet, exercise, stress reduction, and the cultivation of the environment in which you choose to live.
Sayer Ji is the founder of GreenMedInfo, the world’s largest open-access natural health database.
He is also a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, the co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, a board member of the National Health Federation, and a steering committee member of the Global Non-GMO Foundation.
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