In this masterclass, Sayer Ji, founder of GreenMedInfo, explains how revolutionary new developments in biology can be leveraged to help prevent and manage the most common health afflictions of our day: cancer, heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic syndrome.

Radical resilience, not disease, is your body’s destiny!

Modern medicine
and HUMAN HEALTH are at a
critical crossroads

And the truth is that you — and not your genes — are in the driver’s seat. You are the one who gets to make informed decisions on how you use and nourish the miracle that is your body.

Unlock your radical resiliency by learning:

Preview the first TWO MODULES

You’ll receive 7 CORE MODULES

MODULE 1 – Regenerate: The New Biology Revolution

Learn about the New Biology, focusing on the amazing capability of your body to regenerate, food as information, alternative sources of energy, and the revolutionary implications all this has to nutrition, medicine, genetics, and your lifespan and healthspan!

MODULE 2 – Regenerate Your Heart and Brain
Learn about the incredible new science of cardiac, endothelial progenitor, and neuronal stem cells, and how to use food and lifestyle practices to literally regenerate your heart and brain!
MODULE 3 – Regenerate Your Metabolism, Optimize Your Weight
Learn about the incredible new science of cardiac, endothelial progenitor, and neuronal stem cells, and how to use food and lifestyle practices to literally regenerate your heart and brain!
MODULE 4 – Regenerate Yourself Through Detoxification
You’ll learn about ways to encourage the elimination of harmful chemicals and even natural metabolic byproducts that interfere with self-regeneration.
MODULE 5 – Regenerate Your Endocrine System & Promote Longevity
As we age, our hormones taper off, and our body starts to struggle to renew. Find out powerful ways to take back control of the process, and even reverse biological aging with evidence-based strategies!
MODULE 6 – Regenerate Your Immune System

From fasting to the incorporation of specific immunomodulatory super foods, the best way to prevent cancer and infection is to support your body’s innate defenses.

MODULE 7 – Regenerate Yourself Through Fitness
You’ll learn from our fitness expert Hamad Shirazi, on ways to use movement as medicine, and incorporate simple practices to renew, strengthen, and optimize your bodily and mental fitness.


ADVANCED MODULE 1 – Regenerative Nutrition Deep Dive (Heart, Brain, Liver)
Learn about the top specific foods, spices, remedies and practices that enable you to regenerate your heart, brain and liver.
ADVANCED MODULE 2 – Regenerative Nutrition Deep Dive (Bone, Skin, Aging)
Learn about the top specific foods, spices, remedies and practices that enable you to regenerate your bone, skin and both decelerate and reverse premature aging.
ADVANCED MODULE 3 – Regenerate: Cancer & The New Biology
Learn how to avoid a modern medical pitfall all too commonly overlooked in the name of “preventing cancer,” and “saving lives.” Get in depth information into cancer’s true nature, and ways to avoid becoming a cancer statistic due to over-diagnosis and over-treatment. As well as learn common evidence-based alternatives signaled in the biomedical literature.
ADVANCED MODULE 4 – Regenerative Fitness with Hamad Shirazi
You’ll receive a full Regenerative Fitness program and teaching module from Sayer’s own personal coach and fitness adviser, who helped him regenerate his body to peak performance and resolve chronic mobility and back problems.
ADVANCED MODULE 5 – Regenerative Supplements
An overview on the topic of supplements (do’s and don’ts, pros and cons), as well as specific supplements that Sayer has studied for 20 years, with his top recommendations in each major class of bodily concerns.
ADVANCED MODULE 6 – Regenerate: Sayer’s Life Hacks
Learn what Sayer does daily to generate a regenerative lifestyle. Avoid these common mistakes, and take advantage of these common hacks, to realize (and hopefully exceed!) your health goals.
ADVANCED MODULE 7 – Regenerative Cooking with Tania Melkonian
Chef Tania Melkonian and Sayer Ji present a special series of recipes from the Regenerate RX Menu plan, revealing practical culinary tips, as well as in depth information into the regenerative and healing properties of commonly available food ingredients and spices!
You’ll Also Receive…
Regenerative Fitness Program
$99.00 VALUE!

This is THE regenerative fitness program that rescued Sayer from chronic back pain to help him become healthy, fit and athletic, without prescriptions (for years!). Sayer’s personal coach and adviser, Hamad Shirazi, will teach you his 13 basic movement practices — they could be your prescription to accomplish your fitness goals!

Regenerative Cooking
$99.00 VALUE!
Join Sayer and Ayurvedic Chef Tania Melkonian as they prepare some of the top recipes Sayer uses in his “food as information,” regenerative lifestyle. You’ll learn practical culinary tips and in-depth information about the regenerative and healing properties of commonly available food ingredients and spices!
  • Inspiration for Sayer Ji’s book, REGENERATE
  • Learn more about your body’s radical resilience
  • Science supporting natural healing
  • How the new biology relates to the new immunology
  • Current psychological agenda and the body’s radical response
  • How you obtain information from food and pass it to your children
While topics in this 1-hour long interview are touched upon in the Regenerate Masterclass and the REGENERATE book, this discussion takes the topic to an entirely new level, touching on quantum biology, free energy and the alchemical physiological capabilities of your amazing body! You won’t find these topics discussed anywhere else. Strap in, and get ready for a ride!
  • The body’s radical ability to harvest alternative energy
  • Sunlight and how the body uses melanin to create energy
  • Importance of water
  • How psychological trauma can cause brain cell degeneration
  • Using mushrooms to promote brain regeneration
  • Truth about statins
  • Discover your ability to reverse your biological age
  • Magic of magnesium
  • Benefits of fasting
  • Daily practices proven to help regenerate energy
  • Learn how the body extracts energy from water, melanin and so much more
  • Catapult your body’s energy levels with diet, exercise and stress reduction techniques
  • Using the new biology during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Is viral communication transfer necessary for species survival?
  • Why viral symptoms are a necessary adaptation to the current environment
  • Fascinating truth behind germ theory
  • How viruses can help the immune system
  • Inaccurate COVID-19 death recordings and the truth behind the numbers
  • Breaking down the Apple Mono Diet
  • Food and its connection to health
  • Truth about supplements and the brands you can trust


Top 5 Best and Worst Anti-Aging Substances
While you can’t stop your chronological age from advancing, you can slow down and even reverse your body’s biological age, thereby extending your longevity and, even more importantly, your health span, or the number of years you spend in good health.
Vibrant Aging: A Natural Health Reference Guide on Age & Vitality
Aging is often described as an inevitable part of getting older, and while it’s true that you can’t stop time, you can very much influence the rate at which your body and mind age. In this guide, you’ll get a glimpse into the evidence-based methods nature has to offer to keep you young, including 221 anti-aging substances, 29 natural therapeutic actions, and about two dozen substances and actions to stay away from.
15 Natural Strategies to Regenerate Your Body and Mind
Your body has incredible potential for restoration and regeneration, provided it has the proper tools at its disposal. Using food, supplements, and healthy lifestyle strategies, you can support your body’s natural regene

Brain Rejuvenation Guide

In this special GreenMedInfo report, you will learn a number of natural, evidence-based strategies for keeping your brain sharp and healthy as you age.
The Science of Longevity
What are the secrets of longevity? Some of them might surprise you! Can you predict how long you will live based on your parents’ lifespan? What are some sure-fire ways to shorten your life? This report provides an overview of what science says, to date, about why we age and what we can do to pull back the reigns on Father Time.
Regenerate: The Recipes
In this companion cookbook to REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience with the New Biology, you’ll find 40 delectable and incredibly health-boosting recipes each designed to address one of the top five health concerns described in this book (cancer, neurodegenerative disease, heart disease, metabolic disorders, and anti-aging issues).
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Meet your host, SAYER JI

SAYER JI is author of the book REGENERATE, a natural health and health rights advocate, and the founder of GreenMedInfo, the world’s largest open-access natural health database. provides a resource where consumers and healthcare professionals can access evidence-based, clinical data without the complexity of searching and navigating multiple health institutions. Over 100 million visitors have used the free resource since its inception in 2008. Sayer is also a reviewer at the International Journal of Human Nutrition and Functional Medicine, the co-founder and CEO of Systome Biomed, a board member of the National Health Federation, and a steering committee member of the Global GMO Free Coalition.

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