Sayer’s REGENERATE Book Launch LIVESTREAM (3/31/20, 5 PM ET)

Join Sayer Ji for his official book launch — LIVE

But that’s also what I find so interesting about the timing. What better time is there to launch a book titled REGENERATE whose aim was, from the beginning, to rise from the dust of the ashes of the Old Biology, which was a story so old, so limiting, and so inaccurate, that it was tethering countless individuals to patterns, perceptions, and ways of thinking that literally gave rise to the conditions we are all seeing around us which are based on irrational fear, panic, and a lack of connection with self and other? 

REGENERATE is intended to be an intellectual and practical template for the new world we are all about to see being born through this, albeit harrowing and painful, transition, and I can only pray it will help you and many others to know how truly powerful, resilient, and destined to wellness you really are! 

As is my nature, I decided spontaneously this morning to do a livestreamed book launch on March 31st, at 5:00 PM ET. 

I’m truly excited to share in this moment with you. For me, in fact, it’s all about connecting to the beautiful people in my life, the truth seekers, the spiritually-oriented, the activists, and those who are coming along with me for this amazing ride into the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible, as my good friend Charles Eisenstein likes to call it. See you there! 
