What if everything you were told about how the cells of your body get their energy was wrong? What if the body could tap the relatively limitless resources of the Sun directly? Even more astounding, what if the body could tap the infinite energy density of the quantum vacuum and even turn that energy into matter, as well as transform elements into one another? Welcome to the electrifying implications of the New Biophysics.
[This is an exclusive, pre-launch release of Chapter 3 from REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience Through The New Biology — the most provocative of them all!]
The energy needs of the human body have long been envisioned as dependent upon physical “fuel” being fed to the glucose-burning furnaces within the mitochondria of our cells. Indeed, our fixation on the caloric content of food reflects this outdated and fundamentally inaccurate concept. Calories are simply a measurement of the amount of heat given off when we internally incinerate food, which is a crude metric when we consider the complexity, elegance, and mystery of human metabolism.
Our bodies, in addition to utilizing ATP-based mechanisms of energy transfer, are capable of harnessing “free” energy directly from the sun through a variety of means, including water-, melanin-, and chlorophyll-mediated processes. No doubt, there are many other energy-generating processes at play yet to be discovered. But while examples of alternative energy sources based on EZ water or melanin may seem like a radical departure from conventional theories of cellular bioenergetics, they actually still aren’t radical enough to account for what is really going on.

The truth is that our bodies can access, accumulate, and put to work immense quantities of free energy, or energy that does not need to be extracted from physical substances such as food. The body has an even more direct, limitless source of energy that it can, and does, continually access—one that may finally explain accounts of humans living without food or water for prolonged periods of time. Recent experiments reveal that, despite long-standing assumptions that cytosol, the aqueous part of a cell’s cytoplasm, has zero electric fields, it actually contains an electric field strength as high as 15 million volts per meter.48 (For comparison, high-voltage power lines typically operate at 155,000 to 765,000 volts per meter.) Even more astounding is the fact that the inner membrane of a single mitochondrion has an electric field strength of 30 million volts,49 which is comparable to the electrical field generated by the flares coming off the surface of the sun or a thunderbolt.
But where does this immense energy come from? In order to answer this question, we’ll have to explore some of the most foundational discoveries of quantum physics. After all, all our bodies’ molecules are composed of atoms, whose fundamental structure lies at the sub-sub-sub-atomic level of the quantum of action, which means understanding human physiology and cellular bioenergetics will require at least a basic understanding of quantum physics.

In the New Biophysics, space is described as the quantum vacuum, unlike its more passive precursor of classical physics, where it is visualized as an empty and invisible container for physical things. The quantum vacuum is not a void but is instead teeming with zero-point energy, that is, the vibrational energy at baseline or ground state that remains present even when the system being observed from a classical perspective is at absolute zero and appears completely empty and motionless. In quantum field theory, estimates of the vacuum energy density within “empty space” range from infinity to the mass density of about 1096 kilograms per cubic meter (that’s a 10 with 96 zeros behind it!), which in practical terms is infinite. This is the reason American physicist Richard Feynman remarked that “one teacup of empty space contains enough energy to boil all the world’s oceans.” Similarly, Swiss physicist Nassim Haramein predicts that the zero-point vacuum energy contained within the volume of a single proton is equal to the mass of all protons in the observable universe.
Within this understanding of empty space, matter (in the form of virtual particles) is constantly popping in and out of existence within the quantum vacuum, similar to a foam coalescing and disappearing at the bottom of an immense waterfall of energy.
The New Biophysics of Energy Synthesis
The version of reality described by quantum field theory physics seemingly violates basic laws of thermodynamics, with its conservation of energy and matter, and completely contradicts the classic Newtonian, macroscopic experience of space and objects within which we live. Yet it is the best explanation for how forces and particles behave, with a wide range of modern technologies like laser systems, MRIs, and semiconductor devices owing their existence to it.
So, how does this relate to the New Biology? If quantum field theory is accurate, and a practically infinite source of energy is available to biological systems at any point in space, everything we have learned about how the cell works and what our bodies need to survive would need to be revised. Indeed, an entirely new field called quantum biology has sprung up in order to understand how these discoveries at the level of the quantum of action affect biological systems, from the most basic molecular building blocks of the cell all the way up to human physiology and the origin and nature of consciousness itself.

A concrete example of a biological system that harnesses energy from the quantum vacuum can be found in the wall-crawling gecko lizard, which can hang from ceilings and scale smooth surfaces like glass, seemingly boldly defying basic physical laws of gravity.
In quantum physics, there is a phenomenon known as the Casimir effect.50 By placing two uncharged metallic plates extremely close together (a few micrometers apart), without any external electromagnetic field present, the quantum vacuum energy draws the plates together from the wide range of electromagnetic frequencies in the energy density of the vacuum of space. The longer wavelengths are excluded from within the small opening between the plates, hence pushing the plates together from the outside in, proving the vacuum is full of “real” energy and can affect the objects in “real space.”
The gecko, it turns out, has extremely small Casimir-like plate structures at the end of its bulbous feet in the form of millions of microscopic hairs. When applied to a flat surface, these hairs harness the Casimir effect to help keep the gecko stuck to the wall. While there are other proposed contributing factors, such as electrostatic effects, the Casimir effect is believed to be a primary cause.
Using engineering principles of biomimicry, researchers at Stanford have harnessed the Casimir effect to create a “Spider-Man” suit that allows humans to crawl up buildings.51 The suit’s “gecko gloves,” capable of forming a strong bond with smooth surfaces and distributing large loads like the weight of the human body evenly, comprise a pad of independent tiles with progressive and degressive load-sharing elements, covered in synthetic adhesives that contain sawtooth-shaped polymer structures approximately the width of a human hair.52 So promising is this technology that applications of these pads are being explored on the robotic arms of spacecrafts in NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The unusual, quantum-mechanical origin of the gecko’s superpower even makes sense from a conventionally minded evolutionary perspective. Should we really be surprised that after billions of years of trial and error, where even the slightest advantage has life-and-death consequences, living things would eschew a quantum free lunch? Indeed, the Casimir effect and other zero-point energy–harnessing processes are operative at the most fundamental building blocks of our biological architecture.
Biological Zero-Point Energy
Of all the areas of exploration at the interface between quantum physics and biology, most relevant to our body’s ability to sustain and regenerate itself even when up against incredible forces of adversity and scarcity is an understanding of where the body gets its energy.
Zero-point energy–harvesting processes within the human body are believed to be concentrated most intensely where conventional thinking on the matter expects them to be: within our cells’ mitochondria. The primary reason why eukaryotes (plants, fungi, animals) are so complex versus single-celled organisms is because of the exceptional bioenergetics afforded to them through the endosymbiotic event estimated to have occurred about 1.8 billion years ago that created our mitochondria. Since protein synthesis uses about 75 percent of the cell’s energy and mitochondria provide eukaryotes with 200,000 times more energy than a prokaryotic cell, they are able to support a genome that is 200,000 times larger.53 This has afforded eukaryotes their immense evolutionary diversity and complexity relative to the simpler prokaryotes.
According to Douglas Wallace, Ph.D., one of the world’s preeminent researchers in the biology of mitochondria, each mitochondrion stores energy within an electrical field with 180 millivolts of potential energy. There are 1017 mitochondria in your body (100 quadrillion).54 Taken together, that sums up to about the potential energy of a lightning bolt stored in each human body!

While the discovery that your body has a lightning bolt of electrical potential within the totality of its mitochondria is amazing, it turns out that each mitochondrion within each cell of your body has a magnetic field strength of 30 million volts per meter. That electrical potential equates to as much energy as is found in a lightning bolt in each mitochondrion. With up to 5,000 mitochondria per heart muscle cell, an even greater density of 100,000–600,000 mitochondria per oocyte (mature egg cell), and trillions of cells in the human body, there’s a near-infinite amount of potential energy available to the cells of your body at any given moment, which is inconceivably vast in contrast to the conventional explanation for the origin of cell energy.
If there is enough energy in a teacup of empty space to convert all the world’s oceans to steam, it doesn’t seem so outrageous that the mitochondria within our bodies are capable of harnessing trillions upon trillions of volts of potential energy from the quantum vacuum, transforming it into matter and transmuting elements. If such is the case, the entire framework of present-day biology, including the conventional body of knowledge concerning human physiology and nutrition, stands to be revised. As we dive deeper into the implications of the New Biology, we will find that conventionally accepted truths about human physiology are still a Wild West of assumptions and myths yet to be fully examined and explored.
Biotransformation of Elements
If the invisible space within and all around us is not nothing but a very energetically and informationally packed something, constantly giving rise to other somethings (e.g., virtual particles and antiparticles), should we be surprised if biological systems are capable of similar transformative and de novo feats of creativity? Consider as an example how widespread the belief in a cosmological big bang is, with hundreds of millions of adherents worldwide. The unequivocal faith in the big bang as the process that manifested the universe into material existence is basically the belief that out of nothing you can have a very big something. Yet conventional scientific thinking forbids this kind of radical creativity exist anywhere else, and certainly not within biological systems.
Regardless of immense resistance to this idea, the medieval precursor to modern chemistry, alchemy, with its long-sought-after transformation of baser elements like lead into gold, represented more than merely dabbling in metaphor and indulging in magical thinking. In retrospect, we, in the postnuclear age, are intimately familiar with powerful exceptions to the strict laws of conservation of energy and mass through technologies like particle accelerators and the phenomenon of radioactive decay—two instances where elements can and do change into one another. Physicists even managed to synthesize gold from mercury in a nuclear reactor back in 1941,55 albeit in infinitesimal quantities and as a radioactive isotope.
Conventional thinking would have us believe that these exceptions only occur when exceptionally high pressures and temperatures are involved and not in the relatively cold, wet “reactors” of living things such as human cells. Yet the body is indeed capable of transmuting the elements of calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron into one another, nonradioactively, at our body’s normal temperature ranges, a phenomenon that has been studied by scientists for over 200 years.
It was the celebrated French chemist Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin (1763–1829) who first discovered the phenomenon of biotransformation when he observed that chickens produce far more calcium in their eggshells than they ingested, leading him to write: “Having calculated all the lime in oats fed to a hen, found still more in the shells of its eggs. Therefore, there is a creation of matter. In that way, no one knows.”56 This finding violated the dictum of Vauquelin’s contemporary, Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (1743–1794), the “father of modern chemistry,” who posited that while the combination of elements could be changed, elements themselves were unchanging, and therefore nothing was created. Henceforward, Vauquelin’s findings would be mostly ignored. Despite that, other scientists would follow who confirmed Vauqelin’s discovery:
- William Prout (1785–1850): Studied incubating chickens and found that hatched chicks had more lime (calcium) in their bodies than originally present in the egg, which was not contributed from the shell.
- Albrecht von Herzeele (1821–?): In 1873 von Herzeele published The Origin of Inorganic Substances, in which he presented research proving that plants continuously transmute material elements into one another.
- Vogel (?–?): In 1844, Vogel studied watercress seeds and found that after germinating and growing them with distilled water, the resulting plants contained more sulfur than was present in the seeds.57
- John Bennet Lawes (1814–1900) and Joseph Henry Gilbert (1817–1901): During 1856 to 1873, these two British scientists found plants “extracted” more elements from the soil than the soil itself contained.58
- Henri Spindler (?–?): During 1946 and 1947, Spindler discovered that two species of Laminaria, a marine algae, created iodine.
- Rudolf Hauschka (1891–1969): In experiments conducted between 1934 and 1940, Hauschka discovered that weighed cress seeds, sealed in glass containers, increased in weight during the full moon and decreased in weight during the new moon.
- Pierre Baranger (1900–1970): In thousands of experiments conducted between 1950 and 1970, Baranger saw the transmutation of various elements when comparing seeds before and after germination.
Despite these early examples, it was not until the 1960s that the French researcher C. Louis Kervran, who also held an academic position as a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, brought mainstream attention to the phenomenon. Not only was he the first scientist to do so in the postnuclear era, but he was also nominated in 1975 for a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his compelling body of research on biotransmutation. Kervran’s meticulous observations from the experiments he conducted showed conclusively that living organisms transform elements into one another.

Several famous examples include his observations in 1959 of Sahara oilfield workers who worked intensely under extreme temperatures (over 130°F) and excreted a very high percentage of potassium after taking sodium-containing salt tablets. Kervran concluded that the sodium was converted into potassium in an endothermic reaction that brought down the workers’ temperatures. Another famous observation he made is that hens in France’s northwesternmost region, Brittany, where the soil is notoriously low in calcium, lay perfectly normal calcium-replete eggs daily. He discovered the hens consumed potassium-rich mica from the soil, which they then converted into calcium. Kervran would later do extensive experiments with seeds, which substantiated his finding that biotransmutation of elements is constantly occurring. But while his work and observations were truly groundbreaking, upsetting the prevailing dogmas of chemistry and physics, he was not able to provide an explanation for how these bionuclear reactions were being facilitated at the atomic level. Nor was he able to prove the phenomenon’s occurrence within quantitatively controlled conditions, such as in the context of a single-cell experiment.
That empirical evidence and physical explanation would come with the work of a Ukrainian scientist, Vladimir Vysotskii, who started working on biological transmutations in the 1990s. Vysotskii was the first to show that specific strains of bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis GSY 228, Escherichia coli K-1, and Deinococcus radiodurans M-1, and a strain of yeast known as Saccharomyces cerevisiae T8, are able to transmute metals (such as manganese into iron) and accelerate the decay of the radioisotope radioactive cesium (Cs-137), which has a half-life of 30 years, transforming it into a form of barium (Ba-138), with a half-life of only 310 days. In 2015, Japanese researcher Hideo Kozima reexamined data from Vysotskii’s experiments and provided a unified explanation, called the Trapped Neutron Cold Fusion (TNCF) model, of both the cold fusion and biotransmutation phenomena.59 Vysotskii’s findings are detailed in his book Nuclear Transmutation of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes in Biological Systems (2009).
Vysotskii’s groundbreaking work is extremely compelling and relevant to human health, especially when we consider that the human microbiome is made up primarily of bacteria and that we are composed mostly of our microbiome. We’ve already seen how the microbiome is capable of extending our genetic capabilities far beyond what our hard-coded eukaryotic genome provides. It is therefore not outside the scope of possibility that these bacteria could also be responsible for the transmutation of elements.
This possibility has revolutionary implications for revealing the truly immense power and resilience inherent to our microbiome-based physiology. Our body has at least as many bacteria as cells, and each cell contains within it mitochondria that look and behave very much like bacteria due to their genetic and structural homologies.60
Could our microbiome also facilitate the mitigation of radioisotope exposure from our environment? If so, we may have a deeper level of human resilience and regenerative potential than previously conceived, which may be necessary for our species’s very survival in this postnuclear era.
Mitochondria: Turning Energy into Matter

One of the most revolutionary discoveries of our time is that mitochondria are capable of profound feats of alchemical transformation. This includes transforming the immense energy available to them into matter.
In 1978, Army research scientist Solomon Goldfein performed a series of experiments with mitochondria in order to evaluate the veracity of C. Louis Kervran’s claims of transmutation of elements within biological systems. Goldfein’s experiments proved Kervran correct, and moreover, they uncovered something truly paradigm-shifting about the creative power of our mitochondria. In his report, “Energy Development from Elemental Transmutations in Biological Systems,”61 Goldfein revealed two remarkable phenomena. First, mitochondria are capable of producing more energy than would be expected according to classical laws of physics and biochemistry (an implication of which is that they are accessing free energy from the quantum vacuum), and second, mitochondria act like microscopic particle accelerators, with the resultant energy generated enabling the cell to transform elements into one another. Goldfein was able to identify six ways that each requirement for a cyclotron particle accelerator is met on a molecular scale. While it is also an essential part of our cellular bioenergetics, the biologically active form of magnesium ion–bound ATP (Mg-ATP) serves an entirely new role as a nanoparticle accelerator, its helical structure enabling the acceleration of the hydrogen ion (H+) to the relativistic speeds sufficient to transform target atoms into other elements, such as sodium to magnesium, potassium to calcium, manganese to iron, and so on and so forth. Goldfein’s discovery overturns the conventional view that ATP’s primary role is to function as a carrier molecule for the energy needed to sustain life. Indeed, if Goldfein’s findings are accurate, the Mg-ATP chelate functions as a particle accelerator with immense creative and biotransformative potential.
The only other researcher since then who has visualized mitochondria as capable of functioning like a particle accelerator is Dr. Jack Kruse, who has written extensively on the topic of quantum biology. He has applied the most famous formula in physics, Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence equation (E=mc2), to quantum biology. What’s more, he points out its reversibility: not only does matter convert to energy/light, but energy/light can transform into programmable matter.
Water: The Philosopher’s Stone of the New Biophysics
Water cavitation occurs naturally and can also be induced in experimental settings. It involves the formation of a vapor-filled cavity in a liquid such as water in places where the pressure is low. When high pressures are applied, these cavities, also called voids or bubbles, collapse into themselves, generating a shockwave of extremely high levels of heat, sound, and light in a phenomenon known as sonoluminescence. An acoustical wave or laser passed through water is capable of inducing a water cavitation bubble that produces millions of times more energy than induced it. The energy is so intense that temperatures equal to that of the sun have been measured off these tiny collapsing water bubbles.62
The science of water cavitation has been studied for decades, due in large part to sheer necessity, because it is highly destructive to man-made machines. Propeller blades on ships, for instance, often undergo great wear and tear due to the natural formation of water bubbles in their operation. Only recently has the science advanced to the point where the phenomenon’s immense power could be harnessed and directed for specific technological applications.
Mark LeClair, a scientist specializing in harnessing water cavitation for nanotechnological applications, came upon a revolutionary discovery when he performed a series of grant-funded experiments using a laser to induce cavitation bubbles. An unexpected result of the experiment was the production of excessive energy (evidence of zero-point energy harnessing), with 840 watts powering the pump and 2,900 watts produced. This result alone has huge implications for the development of clean, sustainable alternatives to fossil and nuclear fuels. But what was even more remarkable was that the cavitation event revealed both the transmutation and de novo synthesis of elements, during which water was transformed into energy and matter. Incredibly, the elemental distribution of the transmuted material was a near-perfect match for supernovas (thought to be the origin of all the elements on the planet) and the ratio of elements found in the earth’s crust, with strong corroborating evidence of micro black hole formation preceding the creation of elements.
This experiment appeared to show that a nucleosynthesis event, similar to stellar nucleosynthesis, can be induced in water, a finding that completely rewrites our understanding of where the elements found on the earth, and even those of the sun, originated.63
LeClair’s cavitation experiments also revealed a hitherto unknown crystalline form of water, twice as strong as diamond and up to 5.5 times denser than ordinary water. The formation of the water crystal induced a shockwave observed to reach the relativistic speeds and energies required to trigger intense nuclear fusion, fission, and transmutation. One way to explain this cavitation-induced sonoluminescence and nucleosynthesis is the concept that the immense energies that are released come from the quantum vacuum. Dr. Claudia Eberlein’s pioneering paper “Sonoluminescence as Quantum Vacuum Radiation” speaks to that point; Eberlein points out that only the zero-point energy spectrum matches the light emission spectrum of sonoluminescence.64
These discoveries also have profound implications for our understanding of the origin of life. LeClair’s water crystal was observed forming linear or helical strands with large, icosahedral-hexagonal heads and long, narrow whip tails forming coils that can supercoil, similar to DNA. As LeClair observed, the discovery of the crystal and its effects will have a dramatic impact on the physics, chemistry, and biology of water. Furthermore, this discovery indicates that water cavitation may be at the root of the origin of life itself by providing the geometric template for self-replicating information-storage molecules. When we consider that the origin of life is believed to have occurred in hydrothermal vents deep on the primordial ocean floor, where one would find a proton gradient, prebiotic building blocks, and water cavitation bubbles, LeClair’s work adds a missing piece to the ancient puzzle of how and where life on this planet originated. [learn more: powerpoint on water cavitation by Mark LeClair].
Water cavitation provides us with a powerful example of both the extraordinary energies available within the elements of which we are composed and our creative potential. But do we have the biological systems to harness it?
Two very special species of shrimp point to the affirmative. The first, known as the mantis shrimp (typically four inches long), possesses a claw strike so powerful that divers who had had the misfortune of being struck by one named them “thumb splitter.” Their strike can carry up to 200 pounds of force, enough to break through aquarium glass, and is as powerful and fast as a .22-caliber bullet.
The second, smaller pistol shrimp (1.2–2 inches long) is aptly named for its disproportionately large claw comprising two-part pistol-like features: a “hammer” that moves backward into a right-angled position cocked in its joint, and a receiving part the hammer is released into. The wave of bubbles it emits is powerful enough to break glass jars and stun its prey. Acoustically, the snap of its claw produces a cavitation bubble moving at a speed of 100 km/h (62 mph) that generates a sound reaching as high as 218 decibels. (For perspective, a thunderclap is 120 decibels, and a jet taking off 80 feet away will generate 150 decibels, which is loud enough to rupture your eardrum.) The pistol shrimp’s click only lasts one millisecond. But in that millisecond the collapsing cavitation bubble produces heat of over 5,000 K (4,700°C). In comparison, the surface temperature of the sun is estimated to be around 5,800 K (5,500°C). The sound wave also produces a burst of light through sonoluminescence, which is believed to cause temperatures four times that of the sun (around 20,000 Kelvin) within the core of the collapsing bubble.
The way in which these species of shrimp generate enough power to accomplish these feats penetrates to one of the key realizations of this book, namely, that there are sources of energy available to living things that far exceed any conventional estimates or mechanisms commonly accepted today. If organisms as diminutive as shrimp are capable of harnessing enough zero-point energy to produce temperatures as hot as the sun, and the mitochondria within our bodies are capable of harnessing trillions upon trillions of volts of potential energy and transforming it into matter, only time will tell what we are truly capable of achieving.
When it comes to the New Biology, the convergence of quantum biology, epigenetics, mind-body and narrative medicine, and spirituality has never been more compelling and exciting than it is today. Within the nexus of these disciplines, we can now arrive at plausible explanations for phenomena that, for many decades and in some cases centuries, have often seemed fantastical, perplexing, and downright heretical.
Interesting in learning more? Get your physical, e-book, or audible copy of REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience Through The New Biology
48 Katherine M. Tyner, Raoul Kopelman, and Martin A. Philbert, “‘Nanosized Voltmeter’ Enables Cellular-Wide Electric Field Mapping,” Biophysical Journal, no. 4 (August 15, 2007): 1163–74, https://doi.org/10.1529/ biophysj.106.092452.
49 Nick Lane and William Martin, “The Energetics of Genome Complexity,” Nature 467, no. 7318 (2010): 929–34, https://doi.org/10.1038/nature09486
50 H. B. G. Casimir and D. Polder, “The Influence of Retardation on the London-van Der Waals Forces,” Physical Review 73, no. 4 (February 1948): 360–72, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRev.73.360.
51 Michael Grothaus, “These Gloves Let You Climb Walls Like Spider-Man,” Fast Company, January 28, 2016, https://www.fastcompany.com/3056023/ these-gloves-let-you-climb-walls-like-spider-man.
52 Elliot W Hawkes et al., “Human Climbing with Efficiently Scaled Gecko- Inspired Dry Adhesives,” Journal of The Royal Society Interface 12, no. 102 (January 6, 2015): 20140675, https://doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2014.0675.
53Austin Booth and W. Ford Doolittle, “Eukaryogenesis, How Special Really?,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 112, no. 33 (August 18, 2015): 10278–85, https://doi.org/10.1073/ pnas.1421376112.
54Douglas Wallace, “KCU – University Lecture Series – Dr. Douglas Wallace,” YouTube video, 1:14:46, Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences, May 3, 2016, 24:30, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahlDLjf8c90.
55R. Sherr, K. T. Bainbridge, and H. H. Anderson, “Transmutation of Mercury by Fast Neutrons,” Physical Review 60, no. 7 (October 1941): 473–79, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRev.60.473.
56Jean-Paul Biberian, “Biological Transmutations: Historical Perspective,” The Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science 7 (January 2012): 11–25.
57. Robert A. Nelson, Adept Alchemy (self-pub., 2000), 101.
58 Jöns Jacob Berzelius, Treatise on Mineral, Plant & Animal Chemistry (Paris, 1849), cited in Nelson, “Biological Transmutations,” part II, chap. 8 in Adept Alchemy (self-pub., 2000).
59.Hideo Kozima, “The TNCF Model—a Phenomelogical Model for the Cold Fusion Phenomenon,” Cold Fusion 23, 18 (1997): 43–47.
60 Miklós Müller et al., “Biochemistry and Evolution of Anaerobic Energy Metabolism in Eukaryotes,” Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 76, no. 2 (June 2012): 444–95, https://doi.org/10.1128/mmbr.05024-11.
61 S. Goldfein, “Energy Development from Elemental Transmutations in Biological Systems: Final Report December 1977–April 1978,” Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Fort Belvoir, VA, January 1, 1978.
62. Christopher Earls Brennen, Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995).
63. Max Fomitchev-Zamilov, “Cavitation-Induced Fusion: Proof of Concept,” Quantum Potential Corporation, September 9, 2012.
64. Claudia Eberlein, “Sonoluminescence as Quantum Vacuum Radiation,” Physical Review Letters 76, 20 (1996): 3842–3845, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.3842.
Jean-Paul Biberian, “Biological Transmutations: Historical Perspective,” The Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science 7 (January 2012): 11–25.
57. Robert A. Nelson, Adept Alchemy (self-pub., 2000), 101.
58. Jöns Jacob Berzelius, Treatise on Mineral, Plant & Animal Chemistry (Paris, 1849), cited in Nelson, “Biological Transmutations,” part II, chap. 8 in Adept Alchemy (self-pub., 2000).
59. Hideo Kozima, “The TNCF Model—a Phenomelogical Model for the Cold Fusion Phenomenon,” Cold Fusion 23, 18 (1997): 43–47.
60. Miklós Müller et al., “Biochemistry and Evolution of Anaerobic Energy Metabolism in Eukaryotes,” Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 76, no. 2 (June 2012): 444–95, https://doi.org/10.1128/mmbr.05024-11.
61. S. Goldfein, “Energy Development from Elemental Transmutations in Biological Systems: Final Report December 1977–April 1978,” Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Fort Belvoir, VA, January 1, 1978.
62. Christopher Earls Brennen, Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995).
63. Max Fomitchev-Zamilov, “Cavitation-Induced Fusion: Proof of Concept,” Quantum Potential Corporation, September 9, 2012.
64. Claudia Eberlein, “Sonoluminescence as Quantum Vacuum Radiation,” Physical Review Letters 76, 20 (1996): 3842–3845, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.3842.
Jean-Paul Biberian, “Biological Transmutations: Historical Perspective,” The Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science 7 (January 2012): 11–25.
57. Robert A. Nelson, Adept Alchemy (self-pub., 2000), 101.
58. Jöns Jacob Berzelius, Treatise on Mineral, Plant & Animal Chemistry (Paris, 1849), cited in Nelson, “Biological Transmutations,” part II, chap. 8 in Adept Alchemy (self-pub., 2000).
59. Hideo Kozima, “The TNCF Model—a Phenomelogical Model for the Cold Fusion Phenomenon,” Cold Fusion 23, 18 (1997): 43–47.
60. Miklós Müller et al., “Biochemistry and Evolution of Anaerobic Energy Metabolism in Eukaryotes,” Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews 76, no. 2 (June 2012): 444–95, https://doi.org/10.1128/mmbr.05024-11.
61. S. Goldfein, “Energy Development from Elemental Transmutations in Biological Systems: Final Report December 1977–April 1978,” Army Mobility Equipment Research and Development Center, Fort Belvoir, VA, January 1, 1978.
62. Christopher Earls Brennen, Cavitation and Bubble Dynamics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995).
63. Max Fomitchev-Zamilov, “Cavitation-Induced Fusion: Proof of Concept,” Quantum Potential Corporation, September 9, 2012.
64. Claudia Eberlein, “Sonoluminescence as Quantum Vacuum Radiation,” Physical Review Letters 76, 20 (1996): 3842–3845, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.76.3842.
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